Ruth Spalding
Ruth teaches classes at the edges of the intersections of her identity and incorporates her lived experience. She is fat, disabled, bisexual and Autistic.
Continuing Education
This course is for the abolition curious who wish to explore how to integrate abolitionist principles into their social work practice. We will name how the very existence of prisons and white supremacy culture is at odds with the ethics and values of social work. By the end of the training, participants will have a better understanding of social work within carceral systems, implications for social work ethics, and imagine abolition centered approaches to our work including approaches to suicide safety planning.
*This course is approved by the NASW-Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative for 4-Ethics CEs - Approval #011223-03
This is a liberation focused, implicit bias training focused on guiding mental health/healthcare providers to unlearn internalized anti-fat bias, reduce discrimination against fat clients/patients, learn how anti-fat bias is linked to racism and ableism, and learn how to address anti-fat bias at individual and systemic levels.
6 AASECT and MI SW CEs available.
* This course is approved by the NASW-Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative Approval #072722-15
Autistic Affirming
Autistic people are far more common than you think. We often go undiagnosed and are given inappropriate treatment for years before figuring out sensory needs and communication differences.
You can help your Autistic clients by being better informed. Learn about Autism from an Autistic therapist.
Autistic Affirming
It is a reasonable accommodation to ask bosses and colleagues learn about Autism.
Stigma against Autism can lead to unnecessary miscommunication and disrupted workflow.
Be an accommodating boss and colleague by hiring me to train your workplace.
I am accepting consultation from colleagues who wish to learn more about Autistic affirming therapy, fat liberation, disability and queer affirming therapy.
If we do not have a preestablished relationship of mutual aid and you want my expertise that is grounded in a marginalized identity, it is appropriate to pay me for that knowledge and experience.
My fee is $175 / hour. I also accept barter.
I will talk to anyone about prison / policing abolition for free.
I firmly believe in sharing resources whenever possible. These are resources made available to all with clients in mind:
Autistic Catatonia
Autism Research
Fat Liberation
Plague (Covid and beyond!)
Sex + Kink
Tip Me
If you find anything on this site helpful as a colleague you can tip me:
via Square
via Venmo @ruthspalding
Currently under construction on this website.
Here is a list of clinical tools at my private practice site.
Help with:
Mandated Supporting
Suicide Safety Planning
Learning about how forced psychiatric hospitalization is harmful
I also sell non-verbal screen locks and other tools on my Ko-Fi.
Ruth Spalding LMSW
Licensed Master of Social Work #6801093232
Master of Social Work from University of Michigan, 2011
Bachelor of Arts from Albion College, 2009